
Buy Fein GX752H 3-Inch 4 HP Belt Grinder Online Shop

you looking for low priced Fein GX752H 3-Inch 4 HP Belt Grinder?

before decision to buy, I searches on online so long time. So I gathered a web store that sells Fein GX752H 3-Inch 4 HP Belt Grinder and compare prices to. Some online stores offers me fast shipping.

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Fein GX752H 3-Inch 4 HP Belt Grinder Specification

  • The Grit GX 75 is a highly productive stand alone 3 inch Belt Grinder
  • Powerful 4 horsepower motor for heavy duty grinding applications
  • Grit Belt machines can be modified for notching tube and pipe as well as polishing tube or pipe
  • One step, self adjusting belt tension
  • Additional grinding area for flat stock for up to 3 x 16 inch material

Fein GX752H 3-Inch 4 HP Belt Grinder Overview

Includes 3-in x 79-in GRIT GX 2-Speed Belt Grinder, 440V - GX 75 2H, 3-in x 78-in Grain 36 Type Z Grinding Belt, Plug - 16 A CEE

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